Cities and currencies

Ethereum inventor Vitalik Buterin recently wrote that while many national governments are “inefficient and slow-moving” in adjusting to changes in the needs of populations (and, I might add, environments), cities and states have the potential to deliver much more flexible and dynamic responses. Vitalik focused in particular on cities, observing that there are great cultural …

Mentioned in Dispaches

Alan W. Brown, Professor in Digital Economy at the University of Exeter Business School, has written a very kind review of this book in his newsletter. His masterful storytelling of the history of money reveals a great deal about what society values, how people exchange value, and why these matter in a digital economy. Dave …

Table of Contents

Here’s the full table of contents for the revised paperback edition of Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin. Part IThe Past: Money That We Understand Chapter 1, Money is a technology Chapter 2, 1066 and all that Chapter 3, Money and markets Chapter 4, Crises and progress Part IIThe Present: Money That We Think We Understand Chapter 5, Goodbye Pony Express Chapter …